The CHHHA neighborhood is located in southeast Denver Colorado.
CHHHA Residents Only
Contact Us for password
NEWS: February 2023
Proposal for Safe Outdoor Spaces is available here. Safe Outdoor Spaces and Safe Parking Areas connect individuals experiencing homelessness who might otherwise fall through the cracks between traditional shelter and housing with lifesaving shelter, services and support, and have shown to help people transition into long-term housing.
Updated CHHHA Directory and Map - 2023
The CHHHA Directory and Map have been updated as of January, 2022. We have updated all with any modifications as noted by the current homeowner as well as our new neighbors. Please access on the "Directory Button" above.
We have several new homeowners in our community. Please send any updates to Sabra Knauf.
PLEASE NOTE: Our CHHHA Directory and Map as well as our website is confidential to CHHHA homeowners only. Cherry Hills Heights homeowners can obtain the password by contacting Sabra Knauf.
Cherry Hills Heights Safety Notes:
As many of our neighbors have noted, we continue to see an increase in crime in the general Wellshire neighborhood--even with the high recent rating of the safety compared to other Denver neighborhoods as noted in a recent Denver Post. In this light, the BOD has reviewed suggestions from the District 3 Community Resource Officer. In addition, we are reviewing a Neighborhood Watch Program for CHHHA. Some suggestions made by District 3 include:
-Lock your fence gates at night or when leaving. Place a bell on your gate so you know when opened if you are home.
-Use all your outside lights as this assists in deterring break-ins.
-Cameras are excellent additions.
-Keep bushes cut 2 feet off the ground to assist in line of sight for homeowners
-Keep your doors locked at all times-even if at home.
We will keep you posted on our Neighborhood Watch project. This will be reviewed at our next BOD meeting. We welcome any input into this project and your thoughts on our CHHHA members joining the Neighborhood Watch project as it will involve our commitment to keep our special neighborhood safe.

CHHHA Residents Only
CHHHA residents can access the Residents Only page containing the Neighborhood Directory and the Board meeting minutes. If you need a password or have a change to your listing in the directory, Please contact Sabra knauf. If you want to reach a specific Board or Committee member, email links are on the Board Members page. We welcome your thoughts!
We have a Facebook Group where CHHHA residents can communicate with each other. To participate you must be listed in the CHHHA Neighborhood Directory and have a Facebook ID. Please read our Facebook Guidelines. First time users, click on Facebook Group and then on "Join". For communications in a wider area that also includes our neighborhood, join
CHHHA Neighborhood Restrictive Covenants and By-Laws
Access the CHHHA (subdivisions "B" and "C" in Denver) Restrictive Covenants and By-Laws here. Residents are legally bound by the Restrictive Covenants of the CHHHA. The CHHHA dues are set every year by a vote of the CHHHA members at the Annual Meeting (can increase by 10%/year). If planning an addition or modification to the exterior of your home, your plans must be submitted and approved by the CHHHA Architectural Control Committee (ACC). For more information, please refer to the submittal check list. Reference the CHHHA Directory and Map to find out if your property is in our covenant controlled neighborhood. More information on the Board Members page under the Architecture Control Committee section. Subdivision "A" in Arapahoe County is not in CHHHA.
Neighborhood Lending Library
We have a "little neighborhood library" in the front yard of 3214 S. Gregg Court. It's a place where anyone can drop off or pick up a book for free!
Southeast Denver Scoop
Our neighbor and CHHHA resident, Councilwoman Kendra Black, lists upcoming events in southeast Denver. She also creates a monthly newsletter called the Southeast Denver Scoop that is filled with all sorts of valuable information. Sign up to have her newsletter emailed to you.
CHHHA residents can access the Residents Only page containing the Neighborhood Directory and the Board meeting minutes. If you need a password or have a change to your listing in the directory, Please contact Sabra knauf. If you want to reach a specific Board or Committee member, email links are on the Board Members page. We welcome your thoughts!
We have a Facebook Group where CHHHA residents can communicate with each other. To participate you must be listed in the CHHHA Neighborhood Directory and have a Facebook ID. Please read our Facebook Guidelines. First time users, click on Facebook Group and then on "Join". For communications in a wider area that also includes our neighborhood, join
CHHHA Neighborhood Restrictive Covenants and By-Laws
Access the CHHHA (subdivisions "B" and "C" in Denver) Restrictive Covenants and By-Laws here. Residents are legally bound by the Restrictive Covenants of the CHHHA. The CHHHA dues are set every year by a vote of the CHHHA members at the Annual Meeting (can increase by 10%/year). If planning an addition or modification to the exterior of your home, your plans must be submitted and approved by the CHHHA Architectural Control Committee (ACC). For more information, please refer to the submittal check list. Reference the CHHHA Directory and Map to find out if your property is in our covenant controlled neighborhood. More information on the Board Members page under the Architecture Control Committee section. Subdivision "A" in Arapahoe County is not in CHHHA.
Neighborhood Lending Library
We have a "little neighborhood library" in the front yard of 3214 S. Gregg Court. It's a place where anyone can drop off or pick up a book for free!
Southeast Denver Scoop
Our neighbor and CHHHA resident, Councilwoman Kendra Black, lists upcoming events in southeast Denver. She also creates a monthly newsletter called the Southeast Denver Scoop that is filled with all sorts of valuable information. Sign up to have her newsletter emailed to you.

Additional Information
Denver Police District 3
If there is an emergency, please call 911. For police related non-emergency issues call 720-913-2000 or 720-913-1300 and select option 1. More information can be found on the Denver Police District 3 Website. For other city services, call 311 or visit the City of Denver Website.
Southeast Denver Schools
Denver's SLavens k-8 school serves grades PK-8 in the Denver School District #1. It is among the few public schools in Colorado to receive a distinguished "Great Schools" rating of 10 out of 10 and is also listed in the 2012 National Blue Ribbon Schools. Thomas Jefferson High School serves students in grades 9 - 12.
Trash , Recycling and Composting
Pickup of trash is every Thursday except during holiday weeks. General information and pickup schedules can be found at Denver Solid Waste Management. Recycling is picked every two weeks. To learn about the recycling and composting programs, visit Denver Residential Recycling.
Building Permits
Most building projects in the City and County of Denver including new construction, remodeling and repairs require general construction permits to allow construction. If planning an addition or modification to the exterior of your home, your plans must be submitted and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Permits must be displayed in your front window. To apply for or search for existing permits, go to Denver Building Permits. To verify if your service professional is licensed, go to the DORA website (Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies). Information such as ownership and assessment can be found on the Denver Assessors Website (click on "Property Map").
Denver Building and Fire Codes
The City of Denver is updating its Building and Fire Codes.
If you see a coyote, please "haze" it by throwing things at it, yelling, clapping your hands or making some other noise. Do NOT feed coyotes! Also don't feed your pets outside or leave any food outside. Report your sightings (especially any aggressive encounters or daytime sightings) to Denver's 311 call center (720-913-1311 after hours). You can also call the Wildlife Hotline at 720-913-0630 and the Division of Wildlife at 303-291-7227. Coyotes have become quite a problem in southeast Denver. Local attacks have been documented in the neighborhood coyote attack spreadsheet. For more information, read the Coyotes in Denver brochure and Kendra Black's flier. In 2015 KWGN ran a story about aggressive coyotes.
Denver has had a community Noise Program since 1973, when the Noise Ordinance was passed. The noise level should be below 55 decibels (quiet) during day hours and even quieter (less than 50 decibels) after 10:00 PM. The Wellshire Event Center (303-759-3333) also has to abide by the Denver Noise Ordinance (Denver Special Events Noise Fact Sheet). If you want to report loud noises, call the Denver Police non-emergency number at 720-913-2000.
If you find graffiti or other problems in the neighborhood, these problems can be reported by calling 311 or 720-913-1311 by submitting a report online at the Denver 311 Help Center.
Street Sweeping
April through November is street sweeping time. Our neighborhood is scheduled every third week from Tuesday to Friday (first sweep is April 15 - 18). Please move your vehicles from the street during cleaning weeks.
Denver Water
The summer watering rules are in effect from May 1 to October 1. The rules include no watering during the daytime hours between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m, and water no more than three days per week. The new Denver Water Online site has more information.
Denver "Pocket Gov"
Denver has introduced a new mobile app,, which provides residents with a user-friendly way to access city services via cell phone or home computer. The app allows you to check on recycling and large-item pick-up dates, find Denver property values, search for local elected officials, and reports problems and ask questions.
Property Tax Information
To retrieve property tax information for the city and county of Denver, go to the Denver County Assessor's page.
Denver Leash and Barking Dog Laws
There is a leash law in this neighborhood. Dogs are required to be on a leash and under control of their owner at all times. There are also laws concerning barking dogs. Please be considerate of your neighbors.
Service Providers
To see recommendations for local service providers, check Yelp, Home Advisor or many of the other sources available online.
Denver Police District 3
If there is an emergency, please call 911. For police related non-emergency issues call 720-913-2000 or 720-913-1300 and select option 1. More information can be found on the Denver Police District 3 Website. For other city services, call 311 or visit the City of Denver Website.
Southeast Denver Schools
Denver's SLavens k-8 school serves grades PK-8 in the Denver School District #1. It is among the few public schools in Colorado to receive a distinguished "Great Schools" rating of 10 out of 10 and is also listed in the 2012 National Blue Ribbon Schools. Thomas Jefferson High School serves students in grades 9 - 12.
Trash , Recycling and Composting
Pickup of trash is every Thursday except during holiday weeks. General information and pickup schedules can be found at Denver Solid Waste Management. Recycling is picked every two weeks. To learn about the recycling and composting programs, visit Denver Residential Recycling.
Building Permits
Most building projects in the City and County of Denver including new construction, remodeling and repairs require general construction permits to allow construction. If planning an addition or modification to the exterior of your home, your plans must be submitted and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Permits must be displayed in your front window. To apply for or search for existing permits, go to Denver Building Permits. To verify if your service professional is licensed, go to the DORA website (Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies). Information such as ownership and assessment can be found on the Denver Assessors Website (click on "Property Map").
Denver Building and Fire Codes
The City of Denver is updating its Building and Fire Codes.
If you see a coyote, please "haze" it by throwing things at it, yelling, clapping your hands or making some other noise. Do NOT feed coyotes! Also don't feed your pets outside or leave any food outside. Report your sightings (especially any aggressive encounters or daytime sightings) to Denver's 311 call center (720-913-1311 after hours). You can also call the Wildlife Hotline at 720-913-0630 and the Division of Wildlife at 303-291-7227. Coyotes have become quite a problem in southeast Denver. Local attacks have been documented in the neighborhood coyote attack spreadsheet. For more information, read the Coyotes in Denver brochure and Kendra Black's flier. In 2015 KWGN ran a story about aggressive coyotes.
Denver has had a community Noise Program since 1973, when the Noise Ordinance was passed. The noise level should be below 55 decibels (quiet) during day hours and even quieter (less than 50 decibels) after 10:00 PM. The Wellshire Event Center (303-759-3333) also has to abide by the Denver Noise Ordinance (Denver Special Events Noise Fact Sheet). If you want to report loud noises, call the Denver Police non-emergency number at 720-913-2000.
If you find graffiti or other problems in the neighborhood, these problems can be reported by calling 311 or 720-913-1311 by submitting a report online at the Denver 311 Help Center.
Street Sweeping
April through November is street sweeping time. Our neighborhood is scheduled every third week from Tuesday to Friday (first sweep is April 15 - 18). Please move your vehicles from the street during cleaning weeks.
Denver Water
The summer watering rules are in effect from May 1 to October 1. The rules include no watering during the daytime hours between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m, and water no more than three days per week. The new Denver Water Online site has more information.
Denver "Pocket Gov"
Denver has introduced a new mobile app,, which provides residents with a user-friendly way to access city services via cell phone or home computer. The app allows you to check on recycling and large-item pick-up dates, find Denver property values, search for local elected officials, and reports problems and ask questions.
Property Tax Information
To retrieve property tax information for the city and county of Denver, go to the Denver County Assessor's page.
Denver Leash and Barking Dog Laws
There is a leash law in this neighborhood. Dogs are required to be on a leash and under control of their owner at all times. There are also laws concerning barking dogs. Please be considerate of your neighbors.
Service Providers
To see recommendations for local service providers, check Yelp, Home Advisor or many of the other sources available online.